
[Books] My Book List

I mostly use international/global editions of books since I do not live in the US, but the contents are generally the same. Except some of them, like "Operating System Concepts" by Abraham Silberschatz, the US edition has additional appendices, such as Linux and windows chapter.

Discrete Mathematics:

  • Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications - Kenneth Rosen 4/e
  • Concrete Mathematics - Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, Oren Patashnik 2/e

Linear Algebra:

  • Linear Algebra - Arnold J Insel, Lawrence E. Spence, Stephen H Friedberg 4/e
  • Introdution to Linear Algebra - Gilbert Strang
  • In my opinion, the second book is a great option for those who want to learn Linear Algebra and its applications quickly and specifically. However, if you want to delve deeper into the subject, the first book would be a better choice.


  • Calculus - James Stewart 8/e(Metric Version)


  • An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications Vol.1 - William Feller 3/e
  • A First Course in Probability - Sheldon Ross 10/e
  • Second book is more suitable for beginner and who want to learn applied probability in my opinion. First one will be advanced book either theory or application.

Complex Analysis:

  • Complex Variable and application - J.W. Brown 9/e
  • I think there are some advanced topics that aren't mentioned in the book, but I'm not very familiar with complex analysis so I'm not completely sure.

Engineering Mathematics:

  • Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Erwin Kreyzig 10/e

Mathematical Analysis:

  • Principle of Mathematical Analysis - Walter Rudin 3/e
  • Classic baby Rudin. TBH, it is quite hard for me to read from this book, it's a well-written book of course. The book is too concise and abstract for me. But that a thing that I'm tring to learn, learning mathematics from an abstract aspect.


  • Convex Optimization - Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe